BIBTRV01.ZIP BIBLE TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! From Romance to Murder, Kings and Rulers, Miracles and Mysteries this game can be more fun then some of the top bestsellers. Your whole family can learn while you really discover whats in the written Word of God! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
CIVTRV01.ZIP CIVIL WAR TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Between 1861 & 1865, 11 states asserted their right to secede from the Union. The Civil War that followed will always be an interesting part of our American History. Explore, and and meet the soldiers in Civil War Trivia! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
CT_TRV01.ZIP CONNECTICUT TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Algonquin Indians, historical sites, Puritans Secrets in the State forests, British Art, Eight foot nutcrackers, and much more. You will be amazed at the things you find in the Connecticut state trivia game. Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
GENTRV03.ZIP GENERAL TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Learn about everything under the sun. States, History, Landmarks, Military, Politics, Arts, Occupations, Nicknames, Famous People,Sports Nature, Science, Quotes, & Geography. More features then any trivia game on the market. Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
HI_TRV01.ZIP HAWAII STATE TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Volcanic Islands, Polynesian girls, lava beds Ocean Cliffs, Snow Capped Peaks of Mauna Kea, lava deserts, bamboo forests. Did you ever want a vacation to explore Hawaii? Well then, this is the next best thing to being there! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
KIDTRV03.ZIP KIDS TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Are your children whiz kids? Well they will be after a round of this game! Geared just for the children ages 10 & up this game will keep them busy for hours learning while they are having fun. Have a game of Kids Trivia! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
MA_TRV01.ZIP MASSACHUSETTS TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Discover and learn all about your country's heritage. Ride with Paul Revere, explore the sandy coastlines of Cape Cod, learn about the people on Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Learn about the Pilgrims and Plymouth Rock! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
MENTRV01.ZIP MEN OF THE WORLD TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! From heroes to villains, rich and poor, famous & obscure. Kings, Nobel Prize winners and many more. So, pull up a chair and get acquainted with these guys and have a great game of "Men of the World Trivia"! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
ME_TRV03.ZIP MAINE STATE TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! From Coastlines of Islands & Lighthouses, to the deep wilderness of the Allagash, See, Explore and Learn about Maine. Things you never knew before, that will surprise and amuse you as you uncover all the knowledge. Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
MOVTRV01.ZIP MOVIES TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Anything can happen in the Movies. Disney, Thrillers & Mystery, Academy Awards, Comedies Science Fiction, Biography, Musicals, Romance Producers, War, Directors, Action & Adventure Historicals & more. Check out Movie Trivia! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
NH_TRV01.ZIP NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE TRIVIA NEW RELEASE! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! New Hampshire seems to have it all. Borders that touch three states and Canada, beautiful mountain ranges and lakes. Come visit New Hampshire and see all the things this great state has to offer in New Hampshire Trivia! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
NOVTRV02.ZIP NOVELL TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! How much do you really know about your PC? Do you eat Computer Chips for breakfest and dream about DOS? Test your knowledge. This is an invaluable tool in studying for the NOVELL CNE test! NOVELL / PC Trivia ! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
OMWTRV01.ZIP OUR MYSTERIOUS WORLD NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Are you drawn to the unknown? UFOs? Ghosts? Near death experiences? ESP? Dreams? Test your knowledge and have fun while you learn things about this world and the paranormal that you never really knew were possible! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
PRSTRV02.ZIP PRESIDENTIAL TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! What a strange bunch, but they did run our country for a while. And they did some real amazing things that its hard to believe at times. Learn while you have fun finding out all the facts with "Presidential Trivia". Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
RI_TRV01.ZIP RHODE ISLAND TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Explore and discover all the mysteries and secrets in Rhode Island State Trivia. Things you never knew that this little state has accomplished. Learn about its Business, Arts, People, History, Events and much more! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
SCITRV01.ZIP SCIENCE TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! From the reaches of deep space to the bottom of the great ocean, Science is everywhere! Join the quest for knowledge, learn, explore and discover while you have fun. So sit back & make some discoveries with Science Trivia! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
SPTTRV01.ZIP SPORTS TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! You'll never experience the excitement of so many sports in one place. Skiing, Basketball, World Records, Hockey, Tennis, Boxing, Golf, Baseball, AutoRacing, Horse Racing, Football, Olympics, Soccer, Track & Field and more ! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
TV_TRV01.ZIP TELEVISION TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Are you a couch potato? Find out with TV Trivia. Mini Series, Sitcoms, Ladies, Kid's, Private Eyes, Westerns, Places, Commercials, Who played Who, Occupations and much more. So start channel flipping with TV TRIVIA! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
TX_TRV01.ZIP TEXAS STATE TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Things are BIG in Texas! From gun slingers to oil gushers, ghost towns to cattle ranches. From high finance to high noon, you'll stay busy for hours exploring Texas with the most popular Texas State Trivia Game ever! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
USATRV01.ZIP AROUND THE U.S.A.TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Travel around the USA with the Exciting USA TRIVIA! Sports, Famous Women, Art, Landmarks Nature, Cities & Towns, Mountains, Hills and Bodies of Water, Religion, Education, Famous Men, Indians, Science, Foods, and much more! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
VT_TRV01.ZIP VERMONT STATE TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! From Egyptian buried treasure in a Middlebury Cemetery to a governor who shot a game bird through his dining room window. Its all in the Vermont State Trivia and you will love it as you uncover Vermonts most hidden secrets! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
WLDTRV01.ZIP AROUND THE WORLD TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Prepare yourself for an exciting trip around the world. Europe, Asia, Landmarks, Mountains Cities & Towns, Islands, Capitals, Rulers, North America, South Pacific, Rulers, Africa Foods, South America, & Bodies of water. Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
WLFTRV04.ZIP WILDLIFE TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! What bird is a mix of a Cuckoo, a Chicken and a Magpie! What kind of frog quacks like a duck? Learn what flower seeds are used to ward off nighmares. Wildlife trivia is a adventure waiting for your exploration! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
WOMTRV02.ZIP WOMEN OF THE WORLD TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! From fashion designers and queens, business women and mothers, singers and actresses, scientists and scholars. Dig deeper into the hearts and souls of the women you love and admire with "Women of the World Trivia!". Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
WW2TRV02.ZIP WORLD WAR II TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Few people's lives where unaffected in the 1930's and '40s by WORLD WAR II. Relive the an era & learn about the battles, the planes the ships & the people involved in this war Its all here with World War II Trivia ! Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.